Episode 350

#350: The Evolving Landscape of AI in MedTech

In this insightful episode, Eric Henry and Etienne Nichols delve into the evolving landscape of AI in MedTech, focusing on regulatory compliance and the future of AI in medical devices. They discuss the role of the FDA, FTC, and other regulatory bodies, and explore the implications of AI in product development and quality assurance.


  1. "We're seeing pushes into adaptive algorithms... algorithms that modify themselves in the field without human oversight." - Eric Henry
  2. "The FDA and other regulators are no stranger to the issues in generative AI as well." - Eric Henry
  3. "Keep an eye on the FTC... they have a tool called algorithmic disgorgement, which can have significant implications for AI in life sciences." - Eric Henry


  1. FTC's Growing Role: The FTC may soon have broader enforcement authority over AI across various industries in the U.S.
  2. Algorithmic Disgorgement: A tool that allows the FTC to force companies to delete an algorithm and all its associated training data.
  3. Evolving Regulatory Landscape: The FDA is adapting its regulatory framework to accommodate AI, focusing on adaptive and generative AI.
  4. Challenges with Locked Algorithms: Current regulatory frameworks primarily support locked algorithms, but there's a movement towards adaptive algorithms.
  5. Impact of AI on Quality Systems: AI is set to revolutionize quality management systems and manufacturing processes in the life sciences.
  6. Importance of Pre-Market and Post-Market Oversight: Both are crucial for ensuring the safety and efficacy of AI-driven medical devices.
  7. The Role of CSA in AI Integration: The transition from CSV to CSA could influence how AI is integrated into software systems.
  8. Harmonization of Standards: A significant challenge in AI regulation is the harmonization of numerous standards being developed globally.
  9. Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborations like the AI Global Health Initiative are vital for advancing regulatory frameworks in AI.
  10. The Need for Industry Engagement: Active involvement in AI-focused organizations can help businesses navigate the evolving regulatory landscape.


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The Global Medical Device Podcast, powered by Greenlight Guru, is where today's brightest minds in the medical device industry go to get their most useful and actionable insider knowledge, direct from some of the world's leading medical device experts ...

About your host

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Etienne Nichols

Mechanical Engineer, Medical Device Guru, and host of the Global Medical Device Podcast